Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bowling At Cedar Rapids

             I had a good time this weekend in Cedar Rapids, because I saw my cousins and my dad was at a bowling tournament. We left at 9:15 A.M. on Saturday morning. Once we got up there, my dad realized that he had left his bowling ball and his shoes at home. So my dad had to get a new bowling ball. After all that chaos, my dad finally started to bowl and was finished at 1:30 P.M. Then my and my cousins went to eat a place called Granite City. After we got done eating, we went swimming at our hotel until the ISU game. After the game, everybody was tired, so we slept.
            The next day, we woke up and went to watch my dad bowl some more. We left the bowling alley at 10:30 A.M. Then at a nearby mall, we ate a place called Sbarro. After about a hour, we say goodbye and went home.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Castle Panic

            On Friday evening after school got out, my family and me went to Des Moines.  In Des Moines, I got a game. It is called Castle Panic. Then when we got home from Des Moines, our foreign exchange student and I played Castle Panic.
            You start off the game by picking monsters. There are goblins, (they are easy), orcs (they can be trouble if you get a lot of them. But if you don't have a lot of them, then it is very easy to kill them), and trolls (these guys are always hard). And what you must do is to protect the castle from the invading armies. Sometimes when we play, we win very easy. Other times, we are almost dead when we win.
            On Monday, I took this game over to my friends. They liked it very much. I enjoy it very much.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Abandon All Hope You Who Enter Here

In class, we are currently reading a book called The Inferno of Dante.  It is a part of a trilogy.

The book was written in 1300 A.D. The author, Dante Alighieri, is the main character.  Guided by the Roman poet named Virgil, Dante must travel through the layers of Hell.  There are nine circles of Hell.  The people who committed the same sin are grouped together on one layer.  For example, the first level of Hell is called Limbo, and is where people who did not believe in God are.  Residents of this layer include: Virgil, Socrates, Saladin, Homer, Hippocrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

The Inferno of Dante is the first book in the trilogy.  The second book is called the Purgatorio.  In this book, Dante goes to see the souls that have not yet been accepted into Heaven.  Then, in the third book, called Paradiso, Dante visits Heaven.    After visiting these three places, he now has seen all of the dead people that have ever walked this earth.