In class, we are currently reading a book called The Inferno of Dante. It is a part of a trilogy.
The book was written in 1300 A.D. The author, Dante Alighieri, is the main character. Guided by the Roman poet named Virgil, Dante must travel through the layers of Hell. There are nine circles of Hell. The people who committed the same sin are grouped together on one layer. For example, the first level of Hell is called Limbo, and is where people who did not believe in God are. Residents of this layer include: Virgil, Socrates, Saladin, Homer, Hippocrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
The Inferno of Dante is the first book in the trilogy. The second book is called the Purgatorio. In this book, Dante goes to see the souls that have not yet been accepted into Heaven. Then, in the third book, called Paradiso, Dante visits Heaven. After visiting these three places, he now has seen all of the dead people that have ever walked this earth.
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